Friday 1 March 2013

From the Characteristics of the Salaf(Pious Predecessors)

From the Characteristics of the Salaf(Pious Predecessors)
Hiding the Mistakes of Others
 by: Shaykh Ahmed Fareed
From the morals and manners of the Salaf was that they would constantly conceal the mistakes of their brothers and their severe dialogue with their own souls concerning the station of caution (at- tawara').
So they would hate embarrassing anyone remembering their own mistakes in their words, actions, food and drink. They would search their bodies so they did not find themselves trespassing into the forbidden especially with regards to the tongue, stomach, private parts and the eye.
The Messenger of Allaah [sallallaahu 'alahi wa sallam] said, "Abstain from the forbidden and you will be the most devout worshippers amongst the people. Be content with what Allaah allocates for you from provision and you will be the richest of people. Be good to your neighbor and you will be a believer. Love for the people what you love for yourself and you will be a Muslim and do not increase in laughter because too much laughter kills the heart. [1]
Yoonus ibn 'Ubaid (ra) said, "True carefulness in religion is to depart from all doubtfulness and to account the soul with every step. So whoever is not like that cannot be said to be cautious. "
One of the Salaf said, "Do not undermine cautiousness in tiny things since that is a ladder leading to degrading cautiousness in larger things."
Dahhaak used to say, "We met a certain people who would travel for three months or more to learn caution in religious matters. Today people do not seek this and do not practice it even if their attention is brought to it."
If the Salaf dropped some money in a place and they returned to that place, on realizing their money was missing they would not take it on seeing it saying, It is possible that this money is from someone else's pocket and someone took my money.
 1. Reported by at-TlrDlidhi (9/183,184) in az-Zuhd, Ahmad (2/310), Ibn Maajah (4217) in az-Zuhd with this meaning - Al-Albaani makes it Hasan.


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